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On Demand Webinars

Agile Model-Based Software Development & Agile Model Testing

Developing embedded software according to agile principles, while at the same time meeting functional safety standards: in this webinar, we showed you how it can be achieved. We took a closer look at the current state-of-the-art approach for developing embedded applications namely model-based software development. In the automotive industry, defined processes and methods along with established toolchains ensure compliance with the high standards and functional safety requirements for the developed applications. The best practices of general software development, on the other hand, recommend overcoming strict waterfall process models and promoting agile methods to better cope with real-world challenges such as unclear requirements or last-minute specification changes. Introducing agile methods into the process-driven software development of safety-relevant functions can make them more efficient and robust in the face of precisely those real-world challenges without compromising safety standards. Automatically controlled toolchains, e.g. using Jenkins, take over a large part of the inspection and test routines for quality assurance in compliance with ISO 26262. In this webinar, we looked at concepts and best practices for agile model-based software development in compliance with ISO 26262.

Software Quality Monitoring: Turning Data into Actionable Insights

Do you want to quickly get a reliable overview of your projects? But you are struggling with a plethora of tool reports and are unsure how to break them down into meaningful insights? Watch this webinar recording: we unraveled the complexities of software quality in model-based development. We equiped you with the strategies and instruments to achieve this and more, including how to create a software verification report as required by ISO 26262.

Release Updates – MES Model Examiner® (MXAM) v.10.1

The latest versions of the MES Model Examiner® (MXAM) are ready for installation.
A short overview of the highlights and the release notes can be found in the video.

Release Updates – MES Model & Refactor® (MoRe) v.4.17

The latest versions of the MES Model & Refactor® (MoRe) are ready for installation.
A short overview of the highlights and the release notes can be found in the video.

Release Updates – MES Quality Commander® (MQC) v.7.4

The latest versions of the MES Quality Commander® (MQC) are ready for installation.
A short overview of the highlights and the release notes can be found in the video.

ISO 26262 in 10 Steps

Are you also currently faced with the challenge of adapting your software development to an ISO 26262 compliant process in keeping with the 2018 update?

This development process consistent with the latest update is the standard set for the development of safety relevant software. Our webinar included a step-by-step tutorial about how to set up your development process in accordance with ISO 26262:2018.

High-Quality Modelling Made Easy!

Model like a Pro!

In this webinar we discussed the challenges of model-based development, the best practices for overcoming these challenges effectively and quickly, and how the right tools can help you model like a pro!

Managing the growing complexity of models is a major challenge in Model-Based Development (MBD). When implemented correctly, MBD can improve code quality, reduce costs, and accelerate schedules for safety-critical software development.

Today, with the increasing sophistication of automotive ECUs with advanced features, the complexity of models and software is increasing exponentially, along with stringent quality, reliability, and safety requirements. Regulatory compliance, such as ISO 26262, further emphasizes the need for specialized skills, in-depth knowledge, and the right tools for Model-Based Development.

The MES Model Examiner® (MXAM) is the leading tool to ensure the comprehensive static analysis of your models. MXAM analyses model structure and evaluates model metrics, while providing an easy way to review modelling guidelines, making it an all-in-one tool. MES, with its tools, strives for a world of safe technology in mobility and advocates quality assurance in model-driven embedded software development.

The strategic partnership between Embedded Systems Solutions (ESS) and Model Engineering Solutions (MES) aims to train MBD engineers on modelling best practices, provide the right modelling tools to bridge any skill gap with modelling experience/expertise and help ensure high software quality.

Beyond Functional Safety: SOTIF

Are you interested in the safety of automated driving systems and curious about the recent SOTIF (Safety of the Intended Functionality) standard? Officially released in 2022, the ISO 21448 standard is set to influence the way we ensure safety for automated driving systems. But what exactly is SOTIF and how does it differ from traditional functional safety? In our webinar we talked about the conceptual framework of SOTIF and gave an overview of the SOTIF life cycle as per ISO 21448. Watch this webinar recording to gain valuable insights into the implications and requirements of this new standard.

MXAM in Action

Get your guide to better modeling.

Today, function developers are under enormous time pressure and have to meet high-quality standards. A tool that automatically analyzes your model regarding quality is good. A tool that automatically takes action and improves the model is even better. MES Model Examiner® (MXAM) offers an easy way to check modeling guidelines, analyze model structure, and evaluate model metrics, all in a single tool. But that is not all: automatic repairs of guideline violations, which are transparent, reliable, and controllable, are now part of the workflow. This means that models can also be improved immediately based on analysis data, carried out by the new repair function.

If you want to make sure that your modeling style and software models are reliable and safe, we would like to introduce you to MXAM, the automated guideline checker. In this webinar we showed you that MXAM is the leading tool to ensure the comprehensive static analysis of your Simulink®, Stateflow®, Embedded Coder®, and TargetLink® models.


Safety Analyses According to ISO 26262 at a Glance

tudoor academy is back with an interesting topic: safety analyses. In this webinar, we introduce the main types of safety analyses and explain their role in the safety-related development process as per ISO 26262. Certain safety analyses such as Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) are already commonplace in development projects in the automotive industry. However, in safety-related projects compliant with ISO 26262, safety analyses must be performed at the system, hardware, and software levels. Several analysis techniques must be applied and suitably combined to achieve these objectives. Furthermore, analysis results must be incorporated into and reconciled with other work products. Frequently used analysis methods are FTA (Fault Tree Analysis) and FMEDA (Failure Mode Effects and Diagnostic Analysis) along with FMEA. This tudoor academy webinar outlines these analysis methods and focuses on their application in compliance with ISO 26262.

Safety in the Automotive Industry and Beyond

Safe software is vital to today’s technology, be that in the automotive industry or elsewhere. We at MES strive for a world of safe technology [...]

Static Model Analysis for AUTOSAR Models

In this webinar, we gave a practical demonstration of how the MES Model Examiner® (MXAM) can be used for AUTOSAR models in TargetLink®/EmbeddedCoder® to ensure quality in static model analysis.
Over the past 20 years, AUTOSAR has become one of the most important standards for developing software components in the automotive industry. Since then, the model-based approach has dominated software development projects and modeling and code generation tools like Simulink®/TargetLink®/EmbeddedCoder® have improved integrated AUTOSAR support.
However, the quality of the model is a decisive factor for the quality of the generated software components or runnables. Therefore, guideline checking and static analysis tools such as the MES Model Examiner® (MXAM) are indispensable in AUTOSAR-related toolchains.

AUTOSAR-Compliant Modeling with MXAM

The MES Model Examiner® (MXAM) is the leading tool for static analysis and your guide to better modeling. Improve code quality, safety, and security by developing AUTOSAR-compliant software with MXAM. Watch the video to find out how!

What Model Metrics Have to Do With Model Quality

In this webinar, we will show you which model metrics can significantly improve model quality in terms of the design principles, provide ways to aid interpretation, best practices for applying these metrics, and how the model quality subsequently improves [...]

Our training program for MXAM tool users

In this video, we showcase our program for MXAM tool users. Knowledge is power, and we believe in empowering our training class participants. Our extensive training portfolio at the tudoor academy covers not only safety and software topics, but also how to develop simply better models with MES Model Examiner (MXAM) and our other quality tools.

Automotive Cybersecurity – Quo Vadis?

The modern, networked, and software-defined car has a large area of vulnerability that can be used by potential hackers to compromise the integrity and availability of vehicle systems or to access sensitive information. Standards like ISO/SAE 21434 and the UNECE R155 rules oblige car manufacturers and suppliers to approach cybersecurity in a holistic manner and implement appropriate solutions for the whole product life cycle. E-mobility, highly-automated driving, and data exchange in the context of smart cities present brand new challenges to cybersecurity. At the same time, AI supported hacking tools enable the almost effortless planning and execution of complex cyberattacks. Our webinar discusses current challenges, shows exciting trends, and explains the impacts on automotive cybersecurity.

MES Model & Refactor® (MoRe) - Auto Layout & Refine Layout

This video demonstrates how you can improve the layout of your subsystems, using MES Model and Refactor’s® (MoRe) Auto Layout and Refine Layout.

MES Model Examiner® (MXAM) as part of ISO-Compliant Reference Workflows

MES Model Examiner® (MXAM) provides comprehensive support for software model design and testing within the TargetLink Ecosystem. Apply suitable modeling guidelines, verify ISO 26262 compliance, and improve testability with MXAM’s thorough static testing routines.

Let Your Toolchain Fly: MBD in the Cloud

In this webinar, we showcased how leading OEMs and suppliers push their software development tools into the cloud. OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers have now discovered the benefits of cloud technologies and started migration of key development toolchains to the cloud.
We presented the most frequent use cases from the industry. The motivation and the main obstacles for an efficient deployment of software quality assurance for model-based development in the cloud were discussed. The hands-on part shows how the MES tools work in a cloud environment - from headless start to report generation.

Ready for Automation - Check Out MES Model Examiner® (MXAM)

The integration of MES Model Examiner® (MXAM) into your existing development environment is highly scalable and easy to set up, from single workstations to continuous integration. MXAM also offers cloud and Docker support for Linux and Windows.

Static Testing Has Never Been Easier - Check Out MES Model Examiner® (MXAM)

MES Model Examiner® (MXAM) and MATLAB work hand in hand, meaning that you can let MXAM carry out the static analysis of your model, from within Simulink® and apply automatic fixes to guideline violations.

Simply Better Models, in Just 3 Clicks

MXAM's automated repair function makes guideline compliance a seamless process. In as few as three clicks, you can find and repair guideline violations, ensuring simply better models.

Guidelines are a Modeler's Best Friend

Modeling guidelines and design principles can help you as a function developer when creating software models. Skeptical? Take part in our webinar and we will change your mind!
This lecture is an introduction to modeling guidelines and static model analysis using MATLAB Simulink®/Stateflow® and TargetLink® models in the MISRA® and ISO context. In addition to best practices for modeling guidelines and model complexity, we will explain the basic operating principles of static model analysis. We will also show you how to conduct automatic policy verification and correction, complexity analysis and how to check for identical subsystems (clones) in software models.

Modeling Guidelines Ensure Simply Better Models

To learn how modeling guidelines can help you develop simply better models, watch Dr. Jan Grabowski, Head of Product, and Kai Teschner, Product Application Engineer on the MES Model Examiner® (MXAM) team, as they discuss modeling guidelines, styles, and their influence on various aspects of modeling.

Auto Layout Your Models and MoRe

Are you also familiar with this scenario? Your Simulink models quickly become confusing, so you have to spend a lot of time refactoring. You are then left feeling frustrated by the boring, repetitive steps that also increase the likelihood of making errors. The MES Model & Refactor® (MoRe), is a simple and reliable tool that helps you save time and increases your productivity.
In this webinar, we will show you MoRe’s newest and most important features. MoRe supports you by automating repetitive, time-consuming, and monotonous modeling steps. This leaves you with more time to focus on the essentials and it makes modeling more fun, too!

MES Model Examiner© (MXAM) - Your Guide to Better Modeling

Looking for a tool to guide you in developing standard-compliant software and streamline the development of safety-relevant software? MES Model Examiner® (MXAM) is the leading tool to ensure the comprehensive static analysis of your Simulink®, Stateflow®, Embedded Coder®, and TargetLink® models.

MES Model & Refactor® (MoRe) - 8 actions that save time in Simulink

In this video we show you the most frequently used actions in MoRe that can save you up to 90% of the time you spend on modeling.

How-To Video: MXAM Project - MES Model Examiner® (MXAM)

In this video, Model Engineering Solutions (MES) will demonstrate how to set up an MXAM project as an mxmp-file.

How To Video: MXAM Report - MES Model Examiner® (MXAM)

In this video we will explain how to understand reports and demonstrate how to work with them in order to make your model guideline compliant.

10 Challenges in Model-based Software Development

In this video we will discuss the ten biggest problems developers and companies face when it comes to model-based development (MBD) and offer solutions to these challenges.

MES Company Video

Model Engineering Solutions GmbH (MES) is a software company that offers solutions for the integrated quality assurance of embedded software. Our core focus is model-based software development especially on the MATLAB®/Simulink® platform.

Get to know the MES Model & Refactor® (MoRe)

In this video we introduce you to the newest member of our product family, the MES Model and Refactor® (MoRe)!  MoRe is a plug-in for the Matlab Simulink® Editor that makes your daily modeling tasks easier, faster and less error-prone.

MES Model & Refactor® (MoRe) - Layout

This video demonstrates how you can improve the layout of your subsystems, using MES Model and Refactor’s® (MoRe) four most important layout actions.

MES Model & Refactor® (MoRe) - Analyze

The video explains MES Model and Refactor’s® (MoRe) two main actions from the “Analyze” category.

MES Model & Refactor® (MoRe) - Bus

This video will show you the most important actions in the “Bus” category of Model and Refactor’s® (MoRe), which can be used, for example, when refactoring the interface of a subsystem.

MES Model & Refactor® (MoRe) - Interface

This video is a brief introduction to Model and Refactor’s® (MoRe) most important actions for changing the interface of subsystems.

MES Model & Refactor® (MoRe) - Partition

This video will introduce you to the most important partition actions in MES Model and Refactor® (MoRe) for improving the structure of your model.

MES Model & Refactor® (MoRe) - Signal-Routing

This video shows you, using examples, five important actions to add or remove signals in huge Simulink models with MES Model and Refactor® (MoRe).

Safety Analyses According to ISO 26262 at a Glance

tudoor academy is back with an interesting topic: safety analyses. In this webinar, we introduce the main types of safety analyses and explain their role in the safety-related development process as per ISO 26262. Certain safety analyses such as Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) are already commonplace in development projects in the automotive industry. However, in safety-related projects compliant with ISO 26262, safety analyses must be performed at the system, hardware, and software levels. Several analysis techniques must be applied and suitably combined to achieve these objectives. Furthermore, analysis results must be incorporated into and reconciled with other work products. Frequently used analysis methods are FTA (Fault Tree Analysis) and FMEDA (Failure Mode Effects and Diagnostic Analysis) along with FMEA. This tudoor academy webinar outlines these analysis methods and focuses on their application in compliance with ISO 26262.

Formal Requirements – Least Heeded When Most Needed?

Learn what formal requirements are, why we need them, and what they enable for software testing.
Functional requirements are vital when it comes to software quality. They form the basis for a common understanding of the product being developed. These requirements are often written by different stakeholders in natural language and in a non-standardized way. But natural language carries the risk of being open to interpretation.

In this webinar, we discussed whether or not formal requirements are the answer to this problem. We also had a closer look at how formal requirements can improve test process automation and cloud readiness.

Does Safe Also Mean Secure Software? - Automotive Safety & Cybersecurity

In the past, cars only had to do one thing: drive. Nowadays, one of the biggest challenges facing the automotive industry is the transition from hardware-based product to software-defined vehicle. More and more OEMs are becoming software companies, as software becomes the main area of development in cars. Cars are becoming computers on wheels. New technological capabilities such as over-the-air updates and the integration of personal digital devices are placing additional demands on IT security (cybersecurity). Industry standards such as ISO 21434 "Road vehicles - Cybersecurity engineering" provide solutions.

But where do to the existing safety standards and the additional security standard come into automotive software development? What impact
does cybersecurity have on the model-based development and quality assurance of automotive software?

Our upcoming webinar tackles these questions. We will give an initial overview of the similarities and differences between ISO 21434 (Cybersecurity), ISO 26262 (Functional Safety), and ISO 21448 (SOTIF), and how they complement each other.

Model-based software design: 10 Problems Solved

Model-based software design (MBD) is a software development method that has been used since the 1990s, especially for the development of embedded systems. MBD rapidly expanded with the introduction of efficient automatic code generation, aided by tools such as Embedded Coder® and TargetLink®. When implemented properly, MBD can help with generating higher quality code more quickly and can also help to reduce costs.
However, poor processes, tools, and execution can also result in poor quality code that costs more and takes longer to create. This webinar addresses ten problems associated with software development and proposes solutions to these issues.


Are you still analyzing your data or can you already identify the quality of your project?

Quality assurance is the backbone of good software development, but how do you keep track of the vast amounts of data that are generated every day? Continuing on from our automation webinar, this time we will show you just how easy and reliable quality assurance in compliance with ISO 26262 can be for your entire project. We will have a look at integrating Git as an ALM for automated data import, at evaluating data with regard to its quality in compliance with ISO 25010, and at various visualization and reporting possibilities. As a result, questions about the current status of your project, possible problems and their causes, trend development, and progress can be answered quickly and reliably.
The MES Quality Commander® (MQC) not only visualizes essential quality data, but also prepares it for efficient reporting. You can rely on MQC!

MES & Jenkins: Automation Made Easy!

Does your quality assurance require too much effort?
Have you considered automation?
With Jenkins, you can reliably automate quality assurance in compliance with ISO 26262. The MES Jenkins Plugin offers the perfect support for this. Instead of going through all the APIs of each individual tool in detail, you can simply configure via the Jenkins UI. The overview page provides a quick view of all essential results and the individual reports, which can also be automatically distributed to all users if required.
The MES Jenkins solution not only saves time and automates quality assurance effectively but also scales up from small projects to enterprise solutions. In this webinar we will show you how.

From good requirements to high software quality - Insights into software development at Linde Material Handling GmbH

During software testing, is it sufficient to start with quality assurance activities? Of course not! Functional requirements are vital when it comes to software quality and form the basis for a common understanding of the product being developed.
With the support of the MES Test Center in terms of testing and software requirements, Linde Material Handling GmbH approached this topic head on with the goal being to achieve the highest software quality.
In this webinar, you will gain an understanding of how a test process supported by MES is created and applied in company. Linde Material Handling GmbH and MES will share which process improvements were achieved and discuss the insights they gained. Moreover, both companies will talk about the various hurdles and problems they had to overcome during various phases as well as the solutions to these issues in a live discussion.