System Requirements

The following system requirements must be in place to use MXAM:

  • Windows 10 (64-bit versions), Windows 11 or
  • Linux (64-bit versions), tested with Ubuntu 20.04.1 and Ubuntu 22.04.
  • Java Version 11 to 21 (64bit) needs to be installed on your system (the tested version to work with MXAM is Adoptium OpenJDK 21).
  • System requirements when using MXAM with MATLAB®/Simulink®/Stateflow®:
    • MATLAB® version see table below
    • System requirements when additionally using TargetLink®: TargetLink® (base suite) version see table below
  • System requirements when using MXAM with ASCET: ASCET 6.1 to 6.4.7
MXAM Release MATLAB Release TargetLink Release Compatible Java Versions
MXAM Release: 10.4 MATLAB Release: R2019b - R2024b TargetLink Release: TL 5.0 - TL 2024-B Compatible Java Versions: 11 - 21 (64bit)
MXAM Release: 10.3 MATLAB Release: R2019b - R2024a TargetLink Release: TL 5.0 - TL 2023b Compatible Java Versions: 11 - 21 (64bit)
MXAM Release: 10.2 MATLAB Release: R2019b - R2024a TargetLink Release: TL 5.0 - TL 2023b Compatible Java Versions: 11 - 21 (64bit)
MXAM Release: 10.1 MATLAB Release: R2019b - R2023b TargetLink Release: TL 5.0 - TL 2023b Compatible Java Versions: 11 - 21 (64bit)
MXAM Release: 10.0 MATLAB Release: R2019b - R2023b TargetLink Release: TL 5.0 - TL 2023b Compatible Java Versions: 11 - 21 (64bit)
MXAM Release: 9.3 MATLAB Release: R2015b - R2022b TargetLink Release: TL 4.1 - TL 2022b Compatible Java Versions: 8 - 15 (64bit)
MXAM Release: 9.2 MATLAB Release: R2015b - R2022b TargetLink Release: TL 4.1 - TL 2022b Compatible Java Versions: 8 - 15 (64bit)
MXAM Release: 9.1 MATLAB Release: R2015b - R2022b TargetLink Release: TL 4.1 - TL 2022b Compatible Java Versions: 8 - 15 (64bit)
MXAM Release: 9.0 MATLAB Release: R2015b - R2022b TargetLink Release: TL 4.1 - TL 2022b Compatible Java Versions: 8 - 15 (64bit)
MXAM Release: 8.2 MATLAB Release: R2015b - R2022a TargetLink Release: TL 4.1 - TL 5.2 Compatible Java Versions: 8 - 15 (64bit)
MXAM Release: 8.1 MATLAB Release: R2015b - R2021b TargetLink Release: TL 4.1 - TL 5.2 Compatible Java Versions: 8 - 15 (64bit)
MXAM Release: 8.0 MATLAB Release: R2015b - R2021b TargetLink Release: TL 4.1 - TL 5.2 Compatible Java Versions: 8 - 15 (64bit)
MXAM Release: 7.3 MATLAB Release: R2013b - R2021b TargetLink Release: TL 3.5 - TL 5.2 Compatible Java Versions: 8 - 12 (64bit)
MXAM Release: 7.2 MATLAB Release: R2013b - R2020b TargetLink Release: TL 3.5 - TL 5.1 Compatible Java Versions: 8 - 12 (64bit)
MXAM Release: 7.1 MATLAB Release: R2013b - R2020b TargetLink Release: TL 3.5 - TL 5.1 Compatible Java Versions: 8 - 12 (64bit)
MXAM Release: 7.0 MATLAB Release: R2013b - R2020b TargetLink Release: TL 3.5 - TL 5.1 Compatible Java Versions: 8 - 12 (64bit)
MXAM Release: 6.5 MATLAB Release: R2011b - R2020b TargetLink Release: TL 3.3 - TL 5.0 Compatible Java Versions: 8 - 12 (64bit)
MXAM Release: 6.4 MATLAB Release: R2011b - R2019b TargetLink Release: TL 3.3 - TL 5.0 Compatible Java Versions: 8 - 12 (64bit)
MXAM Release: 6.3 MATLAB Release: R2011b - R2019b TargetLink Release: TL 3.3 - TL 5.0 Compatible Java Versions: 8 - 12 (64bit)
MXAM Release: 6.2 MATLAB Release: R2011b - R2019b TargetLink Release: TL 3.3 - TL 5.0 Compatible Java Versions: 8 - 12 (64bit)
MXAM Release: 6.1 MATLAB Release: R2011b - R2019a TargetLink Release: TL 3.3 - TL 4.4 Compatible Java Versions: 8 - 12 (64bit)
MXAM Release: 6.0 MATLAB Release: R2011b - R2019a TargetLink Release: TL 3.3 - TL 4.4 Compatible Java Versions: 8 - 12 (64bit)
MXAM Release Flexera Version (minimum) Dongledriver Version
MXAM Release: 9.0.0 and higher Flexera Version (minimum): 11.19.1 Dongledriver Version: 6.60 and higher
MXAM Release: from 8.1.0 to 9.0.0 Flexera Version (minimum): 11.16 Dongledriver Version: minimum 6.40, lesser than 6.60
MXAM Release: from 3.9.1 to 8.1.0 Flexera Version (minimum): 11.14 Dongledriver Version: minimum 6.32, maximum 6.40
MXAM Release: 3.9.0 and lower Flexera Version (minimum): 11.13 Dongledriver Version: 6.30


Manual Installation

  • Installer: Install MXAM by executing the setup file (.exe) and follow the setup instructions.
    • The startup of the installation process might take a while depending on the security settings of the client machine.
    • Installation to a write-protected directory: Right click the setup file and execute as administrator.
  • Zip archive: Unzip the archive into any directory
  • Caution: If your installation path contains a special symbol from the following list, MXAM will fail to start and issue an error dialog: #, %, ;. Avoid having these symbols in your MXAM path.
  • The MXAM installer has the following flags you can set in the Command Line: /D, /S, /lang, /lic and /conf. These flags are all optional. Only when using the /S silent flag is it strongly recommended to also specify the installation directory using the /D flag.
  • /D: Specifies the installation directory. Note that this flag always needs to be set at the end of the cmd usage. Not placing it last will result in errors.
  • /S: Enables a silent installation, e.g.

    mxam-installer.exe /S /D=D:\path\to\mxam

  • /lang: This let's you choose in which language you wish to open the installer. The installer uses your systems language by default, but if you wish for the installer to have a specific language, you can specify one of 3 language shortcuts. The shortcuts available are: DE (German), EN (English) and ZH (Simple Chinese). Any other value passed to the /lang parameter will default to english. E.g.

    mxam-installer.exe /lang=EN

  • /lic: Used to set a default license file for your MXAM installation. The file you specify will be copied to the license folder of your MXAM installation, e.g.

    mxam-installer.exe /S /lic=D:\path\to\license.lic /D=D:\path\to\mxam

  • /conf: Used to set a customized configuration for your installation. The flag expects a folder with the following specific folder structure:

    |-- com.modelengineers.mxam.core.prefs
    |-- com.modelengineers.mxam.ui.common.prefs
    |-- com.modelengineers.mxam.ui.jiraSupport.prefs
    |-- lismo.config
    |-- adapters
    |   |-- com.modelengineers.mxam.tooladapter.ascet6.ini
    |   |-- com.modelengineers.mxam.tooladapter.file.ini
    |   |-- com.modelengineers.mxam.tooladapter.matlab.ini
    |   |-- com.modelengineers.mxam.tooladapter.mxamreport.ini

    You can find a template folder of the configuration under doc/ in your MXAM installation folder. Simply copy the template folder and start editing the preferences and configs relevant to you. For specific explanations regarding each config property, please consult the MXAM Help Contents (in MXAM under Help > Help Contents), e.g.

    mxam-installer.exe /S /conf=D:\path\to\config\folder /D=D:\path\to\mxam

  • Run the MXAM installation once on a machine and save your automatic installation data in the Finish Panel to auto-install.xml.
    With this data, you will be able to run the same installation on another similar machine.
  • Configure the auto-install.xml
  • Run the automatic installation: >>[installer-name].exe [ABSOLUTE-PATH/auto-install.xml]

If you added MXAM folders permanently to the MATLAB path, please remove all of these folders from the path.


We offer flexible licensing options that can be tailored to your specific needs, from small local teams to large global organizations. For user-based deployments, choose between Dongle and Floating Network Licenses, available as annual subscriptions or perpetual licenses. For process automation, both on-premises and in the cloud, use our Automation Licenses, primarily offered as annual subscriptions.

Open questions? Please contact

License Configuration

Our license technology is based on the industry leading Revenera FlexNetOperations technology platform.

The MES License Manager for configuring the licenses for all MES tools can be started during the installation and in the MES tool directory by double-clicking "LicenseManager.jar."

If you upgrade your tool to a new major version, for example from 9.x to 10.x , you need a license file for this new major version. If you just want to upgrade within a major version, e.g. from 9.1 to 9.2, you can use the old license file. The license files are backward compatible, meaning that you can use a 4.x license file for older tool versions.

Usually, if your license file has to be updated, you will receive the following error message: FlexErrorNo: -21

License file does not support this version.

Please contact to request an updated license file. If the license is under maintenance, you will receive it promptly.

I have a new computer. How can I move my Node-locked license from one computer to another? Please also contact

This image shows how to test the license server in MXAM.

Via the MES License Manager you can test the license server by clicking on the "Test Server" button. The response of the server will be printed in the "Output" window. Available licenses will be listed in output.

This image shows the MES License Manager with Host and Dongle IDs displayed.

There are several ways solve this problem. First of all, you can open the MES License Manager and see the available Host or Dongle IDs as seen in the image.

There you can see which Revenera FlexNetOperations is using and you can compare it to your MAC ID. If you want to contact our support, we would appreciate you sending us a screenshot of the listed IDs.

Alternatively, please check if you have a system variable called "LM_LICENSE_FILE" which is directing to a different license. If so, please declare a new system variable with the name "MES_LICENSE_FILE" which directs to the license of the MES tool. This vendor-specific variable will be prioritized by the MES License Manager.

This image shows the MES License Manager window for configuring the central license in MXAM.

You can set up a central license configuration for all used MES tools. In the MES License Manager click "Advanced >>>>." A drop-down menu will appear, where you can choose between the different tools and a Central Configuration, which will be global for all MES tools.

Quick Start

Start MXAM by double-clicking on the MXAM icon or mxam.exe.

You can also easily start MXAM from MATLAB by typing >>mxam in the command window. The prerequisite is that MXAM's installation directory is part of your MATLAB path or the current working directory.

This image shows how to start an analysis in MXAM.

You can start an analysis in the "Project" perspective.
A default project is already open.
Simply click the "Analyze" link.

This image shows how to test the license server in MXAM.

Via the MES License Manager you can test the license server by clicking on the button “Test Server”. The response of the server will be printed in the „Output” window. Available license will be listed in output.

This image shows how to save a MXAM report in the tool.

To save a report, select the report and press "Save Report" in the context menu. The report will be saved in MXMR format. This format can be used in the user interface (File > Open Report, or drag and drop an .mxmr file into the MXAM application window).

You can also export your report in HTML, PDF, or Excel format.

The quickest way to load reports is to use drag and drop.

Customization in MXAM

Do you have questions about how to integrate MXAM into your software development environment? We have prepared a set of questions and click instructions to help you as a user of MXAM:

In this video, Model Engineering Solutions (MES) will demonstrate how to set up an MXAM project as an mxmp-file. You will learn how to create, configure, save, and load an MXAM project. Since this video is focused on the first step of the MXAM workflow, basic knowledge of the workflow is needed to watch this video.

This image shows how to create a customized guideline document in MXAM.

MXAM includes a set of guideline documents that you can find in the Guideline Documents view of the Library Browser perspective.

To create a custom document, select "New..." in the view toolbar to create a new document, or select an existing document, press "Save as...", and change the document according to your preferences.

A document editor opens where you can edit the chapter structure and add guidelines.

To automate an analysis, MXAM provides different batch interfaces. The headless windows interface, MATLAB API, JAVA API, or web service interface (upon request) can be used to control MXAM from another application or continuous integration server.

This image shows the MXAM tool with details on hook/callback functions.

MXAM provides hook/callback functions that can be used to customize the startup, shutdown, or analysis.

These hook functions are located in the doc directory of MXAM. To use a hook function, copy the function to a different directory, customize it, and make sure it is in the MATLAB path during startup or analysis.

This image shows the MXAM tool with steps on how to configure custom check behavior.

Most checks provide parameters that can be used to configure custom check behavior. In the tool menu, choose "Settings > Check Parameters" or double click a parameter in the "Details" view to open the "Customize Check Parameters Wizard." Use the search and filter options to find the right parameter and select it in the table. In the "Parameter Settings" section, overwrite the default value for your project configuration.

This image shows the MXAM Developer Guide with steps for implementing custom checks.

To implement custom checks, please refer to the developer guide for helpful information and how to get started.

MXAM Tool Usage

Do you have questions about aspects of working with modeling guidelines and the static model analysis. We have prepared a set of questions and click instructions to help you as a user of MXAM:

To apply the automatic repair function, you can either use the tree menu in the "Document Navigation" view to display only repairable checks, or just look out for the failed symbol with a wrench next to it. You can now select several findings you want to repair by right-clicking on the selection and selecting "Repair Finding(s)." A dialog then appears that takes you through all selected findings and gives you the option to apply the repair or skip the action. You can also manually repair findings in the model.

Finally, you can right-click the check and select "Rerun" to see if the guideline violations have been resolved.

You can use annotations to justify guideline violations. Select a finding and press "Add Annotation" in the context menu. Write a comment and optionally change the result type of the finding. Save your annotations on the second page of the wizard in an annotation definition (file) next to the artifact or in a library. The annotation will be mapped for each run. The annotation details and the original result type are shown in the "Finding Details" view. Annotations are also included in all report export formats.

This image shows how to ignore elements via MATLAB® parameters in the MXAM tool.

There are two ways to exclude elements from the analysis:

You can use global MATLAB® parameters to exclude Simulink® libraries, block types, or mask types. These elements are filtered during analysis and are not included in the report.

This image shows how to ignore elements via the MXAM ignore-list.

Alternatively, you can use ignore-lists to exclude elements, e.g. subsystems, block types, or mask types, for all or for specific checks.

Check findings of ignore-list elements are included in the report and marked as "ignored."

Two methods exist for starting MoRe in MXAM. These are described in detail in the video. One method is to start MoRe from the Simulink tool strip. The other method is to right-click on the model. Once MoRe is started, users will find that their models are enhanced, and their everyday work is simplified and accelerated. This is due to the fact that modeling with Simulink is made easier with auto-layout functions.

Security & Safety

Do I need to do a qualification of MXAM?

The tool qualification accorinding to safety standards like ISO26262 require a classification and a qualification of tools. This classification is depended on your environment. In the case the result of the classification is a TCL 2 or 3 MXAM needs to be qualified in your toolchain.

Tool Qualification Kit
There is an ISO 26262 Qualification Kit available. It provides a framework:

  • To determine the required level of confidence in a software tool, and
  • To qualify a software tool to create evidence that the tool is suitable for use in tailoring the activities or tasks required by ISO 26262.

Open questions? Please contact

MXAM tuev certificate

The Model Examiner is certified by TÜV SÜD as a T2 Offline Support Tool for use in safety-relevant embedded software development in compliance with ISO 26262, IEC 61508, and ISO 25119. It is designed for function developers, testers, and quality managers in model-based development on the MATLAB®/Simulink®, Embedded Coder®, and TargetLink® platforms.

According to our security review, none of our MES applications have been affected by CVE-2021-44228.

The implemented versions of log4j are not affected, JNDI/JMS Appender are not in use.
Please find all details for previous tool versions below. All newer tool versions are not affected. We recommend using Flexnet Publisher (FNP) version 11.19.1 for all license server installations. You can download the MES FNP package here.

Product Version Desktop Application Application Server Application Background CVE-2021-44228
Log4j 2.0-beta9 to 2.14.1
Product: Flexnet Publisher Version: 11.14.0 Desktop Application:   Application Server Application: x Background: Log4j Version 1.X CVE-2021-44228
Log4j 2.0-beta9 to 2.14.1:
Not affected
Product: Flexnet Publisher Version: 11.16.4 Desktop Application:   Application Server Application:   Background:   CVE-2021-44228
Log4j 2.0-beta9 to 2.14.1:
Product: Flexnet Publisher Version: Desktop Application:   Application Server Application:   Background:   CVE-2021-44228
Log4j 2.0-beta9 to 2.14.1:
Product: Flexnet Publisher Version: 11.17.1 Desktop Application:   Application Server Application:   Background:   CVE-2021-44228
Log4j 2.0-beta9 to 2.14.1:
Product: Flexnet Publisher Version: Desktop Application:   Application Server Application: x Background: Log4j Version 2.15.X CVE-2021-44228
Log4j 2.0-beta9 to 2.14.1:
May affect
Product: Flexnet Publisher Version: Desktop Application:   Application Server Application: x Background: Log4j Version 2.17.0 CVE-2021-44228
Log4j 2.0-beta9 to 2.14.1:
Not affected

May affect
Not affected
Product: Flexnet Publisher Version: 11.19.1 Desktop Application:   Application Server Application:   Background:   CVE-2021-44228
Log4j 2.0-beta9 to 2.14.1:
May affect
Not affected
Product: MXAM Version: 4.X – 7.X Desktop Application: x Application Server Application:   Background: Log4j Version 1.2.16 CVE-2021-44228
Log4j 2.0-beta9 to 2.14.1:
Not affected
Product: MXAM Version: From 8.0 Desktop Application: x Application Server Application:   Background: Log4j Version 2.17.1 CVE-2021-44228
Log4j 2.0-beta9 to 2.14.1:
Not affected
Product: MES Plugin for Jenkins Version: 1.0 – 2.0 Desktop Application:   Application Server Application: x Background: No individual logger in use CVE-2021-44228
Log4j 2.0-beta9 to 2.14.1:
Not affected

Quick Contact to the MXAM Developer- and Support Team

Here you can ask us all questions regarding the MES Model Examiner® (MXAM). Please also use this form to be kept up to date on MES tool updates and release notes (quarterly tool update newsletter). You can also send us a detailed support request.

This image shows the support team at MES.
MXAM Support

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Please calculate 3 plus 6.