Support MES Model & Refactor® (MoRe)

What is MoRe?

MES Model & Refactor® (MoRe) is a productivity tool that makes modeling with MATLAB Simulink® faster, easier and less error-prone. MoRe supports users by simplifying and accelerating model editing and reducing monotonous work steps. The tool facilitates the modeling process as a whole, in particular the refactoring of models.


What's New?



Latest Versions v.4.21

Highlights in latest versions of MES Model & Refactor® (MoRe) v.4.21

Improvements to "Auto Layout" for High-Quality Layouts
"Auto Layout" now generates even more readable layouts with clearer line routing for large subsystems, fewer crossings in lines connected to port blocks and better horizontal alignment of blocks.

► Read about all new features in the release notes

MoRe v.4.20

Highlights of MES Model & Refactor® (MoRe) v.4.20

"Auto Layout": Better Positioning of Blocks in Feedback Loops
Blocks in feedback loops are now always placed within the loop. Previously, blocks could be shifted out of their actual loop by horizontal alignment, which led to unnecessarily large feedback loops.

MoRe v.4.19

Highlights of MES Model & Refactor® (MoRe) v.4.19

"Auto Layout" and "Refine Layout": Clearer Line Routing
Vertical signal lines are now drawn with greater horizontal spacing, especially for large models. This makes it easier to see the connections and understand the data flow.

"Auto Layout": Better Positioning of Port Blocks
Where possible, port blocks now have a straight signal line to their highest connected port. Previously, there could be unnecessary bends and crossings in the connecting line.

"Auto Layout": Improved Alignment for Blocks with Top Ports
Blocks with top ports are now consistently aligned with other blocks, making the layout clearer. Previously, blocks with top ports were aligned differently to blocks without top ports. This sometimes led to small unnecessary deviations in the alignment.

"Auto Layout": Improved Alignment for Blocks with Line Labels
The alignment of similar blocks has been improved. Previously, line labels of different lengths could sometimes lead to a horizontal misalignment.

"Auto Layout": Better Positioning of Blocks with Top Ports
To simplify the data flow, blocks with top ports are now positioned in a way that leaves enough space for other blocks that are connected to the inports.

"Auto Layout": Support of Flipped Systems
Subsystems with flipped blocks, i.e. signal flow from right to left, are now supported. Previously, poor positioning of flipped port blocks caused overly complex line routes.

"Auto Layout": Improved Results for Duplicated Inport Blocks
Duplicated inport blocks are now aligned with other inport blocks. Previously, duplicated inport blocks were not positioned on the leftmost side of the layout, together with other inport blocks.

MoRe v.4.18

Highlights of MES Model & Refactor® (MoRe) v.4.18

"Auto Layout": Improved Results for Branched Feedback Loops
When arranging blocks with feedback loops, a single branched feedback line is now favored over using multiple separate feedback lines. This makes it easier to understand the signal flow.

Bug Fixes
Create Subsystem: Fixed a bug that caused an error when applying the action at the root level of a model on a selection that contained port blocks.

MoRe v.4.17

Highlights of MES Model & Refactor® (MoRe) v.4.17

Major Improvements to "Auto Layout" for High-Quality Layouts
"Auto Layout" now generates even more readable and structured layouts by avoiding large block gaps, aligning similar blocks in columns, and placing Goto/From blocks according to the signal flow.

MoRe v.4.16

Highlights of MES Model & Refactor® (MoRe) v.4.16

MES Model & Refactor (MoRe) is now part of the MES Model Examiner Functional Safety Solution (MXAM) and included in the MXAM 10 installation file.

MoRe v.4.15

Highlights of MES Model & Refactor® (MoRe) v.4.15

Improved Block Alignment in "Auto Layout"
The alignment of blocks to other blocks above or below has been improved. Previously, a connection to source or sink blocks (e.g. Constant or Terminator) often resulted in a lack of alignment.

Improved Line Routing in "Auto Layout"

Line routing has been improved to avoid unnecessarily long lines. Previously, lines passing source or sink blocks (e.g. Constant or Terminator) were often split into unnecessarily long lines.

Aditionally, source or sink blocks no longer cause unnecessarily long signal feedback.

Supported MATLAB® Versions

MoRe now supports MATLAB versions up to 2023b.

MoRe v.4.14

Highlights of MES Model & Refactor® (MoRe) v.4.14

Fewer Line Bends in "Auto Layout"
Bends in signal lines are now avoided more effectively when blocks are connected by many signal lines.

Auto Layout Fewer Line Bends

MoRe v.4.13

Highlights of MES Model & Refactor® (MoRe) v.4.13

Fewer Line Crossings in "Auto Layout"
Line crossings are now better avoided in subsystems with a large number of signal lines. Previously, the action's block positioning could occasionally cause unnecessary line crossings.

Auto Layout Fewer Line Crossings

Bug Fixes
Auto Layout and Refine Layout: Fixed a bug that caused an unnecessarily large vertical space between two blocks. This occurred when the upper block had a hidden default name, and this block had been selected at least once before the action was applied.

MoRe v.4.12

Highlights of MES Model & Refactor® (MoRe) v.4.12

Improved Spacing between Independent Parts in "Refine Layout"
Similar to the Auto Layout improvement in the last version, parts of the subsystem that have no signal connections to each other are now separated by a larger y-distance, making them easier to distinguish.

Bug Fixes
Auto Layout and Refine Layout: Fixed a bug that caused two issues. The first resulted in excessive horizontal spacing for some blocks. The second caused some blocks to display a very long temporary block name after the action instead of the original block name. Both issues only occurred with special blocks, e.g. a bus selector with the name "BusSelector" (without line break!).

MoRe v.4.11

Highlights of MES Model & Refactor® (MoRe) v.4.11

Improved Block Placement in "Refine Layout"
"Refine Layout" now better retains the initial arrangement of blocks. Previously, when multiple blocks overlapped in their X-range, the resulting layout could differ significantly from the initial layout.

Improved Spacing between Independent Parts in "Auto Layout"
Parts of the subsystem that do not have signal connections to each other are now separated by a larger y-distance, making them easier to distinguish.

Runtime Improvement for "Auto Layout" and "Refine Layout"
The runtime for "Auto Layout" and Refine Layout" was reduced in large subsystems with many signals.

Supported MATLAB® Versions
MoRe now supports MATLAB versions up to 2023a.

MoRe v.4.10

Highlights of MES Model & Refactor® (MoRe) v.4.10

Block Height Optimization in "Auto Layout" and "Refine Layout"
To reduce line bends, the actions now adjust block heights. The block height is changed only in specific cases, e.g. for a bus selector or bus creator connected to a subsystem.
More technically, a block is adjusted to a connected block if it has multiple connections just to this block and only one or no port on the opposite side.

Improved Placement of Independent Parts in "Auto Layout"
Parts of the subsystem that do not have signal connections to the rest are now placed separately. Previously, these parts were often placed between other blocks, which made them difficult to see and often led to bends in other signal lines.



MoRe can be installed either as a toolbox or manually. We strongly recommend the toolbox option because it is much easier to install and update.

Install as toolbox (recommended)
NOTE: Do not install the toolbox on a network drive! Installing a MATLAB toolbox on a network drive can severely slow down MATLAB. To check the toolbox installation path, please open MATLAB's "Preferences" and navigate to the submenu "Add-Ons" or "Apps". Here you can check the installation path in the "Installation Folder" field and change it if necessary.

  1. Extract the MES MoRe zip file (
  2. In MATLAB, navigate to the directory where you extracted the MES MoRe zip file.
  3. In the "Current Folder" section of the MATLAB editor, double click the "MES_MoRe.mltbx" toolbox.
  4. Wait until MATLAB has finished installing the toolbox.
  5. Call sl_refresh_customizations in the MATLAB command line. There should be an MES MoRe menu entry in the Simulink editor now.
  6. (Optional) Some actions from the "Analyze" submenu require Graphviz to be installed:
    • Download and install Graphviz from
    • Add the folder containing the dot.exe of Graphviz to the PATH environment variable of Windows (e.g., C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz 2.28\bin).

Install manually

  1. Extract the MES MoRe zip file ( into a target folder with write access. Suggestions:
    • C:\Program Files\MES_MoRe
    • %MATLAB_ROOT%\toolbox\MES_MoRe_Your_Version
    • %MATLAB_ROOT%\toolbox\MES_MoRe
    • x:\project\matlab\MES_MoRe_Your_Version

Please keep all the subdirectories.

  1. If you extracted the zip file to the MATLAB toolbox folder (%MATLAB_ROOT%\toolbox), then call rehash toolboxcache once in the MATLAB command line.
  2. For permanent installation (recommended):
    • Add a call to the MoRe\init_MoRe.m script from the target folder to your MATLAB startup.m file. Example call: run('C:\Program Files\MES_MoRe\MoRe\init_MoRe');
      Please make sure that there is no call to init_MoRe of an old installation left!
      If you are not sure whether you have any startup.m file yet, type which startup.m in MATLAB command line.
      If result is not empty, add the call from above to this file.
      If result is empty, create a new startup.m file in your userpath. Type userpath in MATLAB command line to get your userpath. Add the call from above to the newly created file (type also doc startup in MATLAB command line for help).
    • Restart MATLAB. There should be an MES MoRe menu entry in the Simulink editor now.
  1. For temporary usage (not recommended):
    • Call init_MoRe from the MoRe subfolder of the target folder in the MATLAB command line. This might throw warnings like "Objects of XXX class exist - not clearing java", if other tools are holding locked references to java objects. In that case, please follow the instructions for permanent installation above.
  2. (Optional) Some actions from the "Analyze" submenu require Graphviz to be installed:
    • Download and install Graphviz from
    • Add the folder containing the dot.exe of Graphviz to the PATH environment variable of Windows (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz 2.28\bin).


To update to a new version of MoRe, please follow these steps:

1. Uninstall old version

If updating from the old toolbox version to the new toolbox version

  • Uninstallation is not required and you can skip this part.

If updating from the old manually installed version to any new version

  1. Call path_MoRe(false) in the MATLAB command line.
  2. If you added a call to init_MoRe to your startup.m, then remove this call.
  3. Delete the directory of the old installation or keep it as a backup.

If updating from the old toolbox version to the new manual installation version

  1. Navigate to the MATLAB Home tab. In the Environment or Resources section, open the Add-On Manager.
  2. Find the old MoRe toolbox entry and select "Uninstall" in the context menu.
    Please note: MATLAB may ask you to delete some directories manually. However, this is not mandatory.

2. Install new version

  • Depending on whether you want to install the new version manually or as a toolbox, proceed as described in the following "Installation" section.
  • You can skip the "License Configuration" part if the license is already configured for the old version.

3. Import old configuration files (optional)

After installation, you can import all configuration files of the old version via "Import Previous Preferences" from the "Preferences" submenu of MoRe. This import action requires the old version to be 2.9 or newer. This import is only necessary if you have changed any configuration files from the "Preferences" submenu in the old version.

System Requirements

The following system requirements must be in place to use MES MoRe:

  • Windows (Windows 7+8+10+11 - 32 and 64-bit versions)
  • MATLAB® R2014b ... R2023b
  • Simulink®

Quick Start

Starting MoRe

  • After installation, "MES MoRe" is available as a separate entry in the Simulink menu and context menu. It does not need to be started manually.

Starting an Action in MoRe

  • Open a demo model by typing “fuelsys” in the MATLAB command prompt
  • Select the two subsystems on the root level of the fuelsys model
  • Click “MES MoRe” in the Simulink menu and then select "Merge Subsystems"
  • To undo the action, select "Undo" from the “MES MoRe” menu


If you have any suggestions to help us improve MES Model & Refactor, please do not hesitate to contact us:

User Instruction

MXRAY User Guide

User Guide

The MES MoRe User Guide presents clear instructions on how to work with MES Model & Refactor® (MoRe). It provides users with information about getting started and working with MoRe.
Click on “MES MoRe”->”Help”->”Documentation” to find a description of all actions available in MoRe (see image).

How-To Videos

Auto Layout and Refine Layout



Signal Routing







Release Notes - MoRe v.4.21 (July 2024)

"Auto Layout": Better Routing of Lines to Top Ports

  • Signal lines that are connected to top ports are now better routed to minimize line bends. Previously, unnecessary bends could occur in the line connecting the top port of a block.

Auto Layout: Less Line Bends In Line To Top Port

"Auto Layout" and "Refine Layout": Clearer Line Routing

  • The traceability of signal lines is now improved by maintaining a minimum distance between them. Previously, signal lines were sometimes routed too close together, and in rare cases, they even overlapped.

Auto Layout: Superimposed Lines