Publications Knowledge is always in motion.


Here you can find an overview of English publications by Model Engineering Solutions GmbH.
Discover more of our publications also in GermanChinese, and Japanese.


Achieving Synergy in Safety-Critical Software Development - Integrating ASPICE and ISO 26262

Author: Dr. Jan Grabowski
Published: LinkedIn Article

Guidelines Are the Key to Better Models

Author: Sophia Kohle
Published: LinkedIn Article

What Makes Safety Systems Safe?

Author: Dr. Jan Grabowski
Published: LinkedIn Article

Modeling Methodology for Adaptive Systems with MATLAB/Simulink

Author: Dr. Simon Rösel (Model Engineering Solutions GmbH)
Published: To appear in Model-Based Engineering of Collaborative Embedded Systems - Extensions of the SPES Methodologies, Springer 2021, pp. 207-210

Modeling of a Transport Robot Fleet in Simulink

Author: Dr. Simon Rösel (Model Engineering Solutions GmbH) & InSystems Automation
Published: Robotic Magazine