Agile Software Development (with MATLAB): Why? How? And the Pitfalls.

A full upfront architecture and design is much like a communistic five-year plan: It does not work in practice. Having no architecture at all also does not work. The idea of agile software development is to start with some architecture and design and a feature to be implemented, then run through the full V model development cycle for this feature before continuing with the next feature. Depending on (wo)man power, multiple features may be developed simultaneously. If a full V model cycle does not fit into a single sprint, multiple features may be put in the pipeline, i.e. do the certification of feature 1 in parallel to the development of feature 2. While teams may be agile now, there are still some pitfalls: What about the architecture? Do self-organized teams really work? Is the certification authority satisfied?


Prof. Dr. Albert Zündorf

Prof. Dr. Albert Zündorf (University of Kassel)

Prof. Albert Zündorf has been the Head of the Software Engineering Group at Kassel University since 2002. Prof. Zündorf has a strong background in object-oriented modeling and in software tools. He offers a regular course on home automation and the Internet of Things. In addition, Prof. Zündorf offers courses on agile software development, and he runs a course on team projects organized as Scrum projects. Prof. Zündorf conducts extensive research into the area of microservices, which has a lot in common with distributed embedded systems.