MES Latest Tool for Model Refactoring - Speed Up, Simplify, and Automate Working with Simulink Models

The Simulink Editor is the tool to use when creating and editing Simulink models. This tool is constantly being improved to make work processes more intuitive and effective. An example of this is the Automatic Port Creation by Drag&Drop that was introduced in R2017a. However, there is still room for improvement when it comes to working with Simulink on an everyday basis, and many commercial users do not have free choice over their version of Simulink as this, for example, can be set for the duration of a long project. A new tool from MES, the latest tool for model refactoring, will be introduced in this presentation in response to this. This new tool speeds up and simplifies the creation and editing of Simulink models and can be used for all Simulink versions from R2009b and later. After selecting specific elements (signals, blocks), actions are offered that automate frequently used operations – especially operations that consist of several sub-steps. Performing these tasks manually can often be laborious or time-consuming and thus error-prone. An example of this is the addition of signals across multiple hierarchy levels. This kind of additional input signal may, for example, be added from an upper level to a subsystem in a low level with a single action. This presentation will introduce a number of these actions and show how this tool makes working with Simulink models – especially big models – easier, faster, and more reliable.


Alexander Binkowski

Alexander Binkowski (Model Engineering Solutions GmbH)

Alexander Binkowski joined Model Engineering Solutions at the start of 2018 as Product Application Engineer. His goal is to support customers so that they can get the full benefits of using MES M-XRAY® and MES latest tool for model refactoring. The results of his work with customers directly influence the development of both tools. Alexander Binkowski studied mechanical engineering at TU Dresden.