Watch Video: Get to know Guideline sdt_il001

How to Promote Small Interfaces & Efficient Code: Guideline sdt_il001

In this video guide, we explore how to promote small interfaces and efficient code using modeling guideline sdt_il001. This guideline helps you identify and fix inefficient and unnecessarily large interfaces, ensuring that your models are optimized for performance and maintainability. We will demonstrate how MES Model Examiner® (MXAM) can automate the identification of issues such as duplicate inports and multiple outports with the same source, streamlining your modeling process and enhancing code efficiency.

Key Points Covered in the Video:

1. Promoting Small Interfaces:
To keep interfaces small and efficient, all inports and outports of a system must contain signals from different sources.

2. Automatic Identification of Issues:
MXAM automatically identifies multiple outports connected to the same source, as well as duplicate inports within your model.

3. Automatic Repair Action:
When duplicate inports are detected, MXAM automatically removes the redundant inport and re-routes the outgoing signal line to the original port. This ensures a cleaner and more efficient model.

Watch the video to see how MXAM can help you maintain best practices in modeling and ensure that your interfaces stay lean and optimized for efficient code.

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This image shows Elena Bley.
Elena Bley
Senior Manager Marketing & Webinars

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