Watch Video: How to Improve Code Quality, Safety, and Security

AUTOSAR-Compliant Modeling with MXAM

In this video, you'll learn how MXAM, the leading tool for static analysis, helps improve code quality, safety, and security by developing AUTOSAR-compliant software.

AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture) is the leading standard for software architecture in model-based development within the automotive industry. Compliance with AUTOSAR is crucial for achieving higher-quality and more efficient modeling.

With specific settings and guidelines, MXAM can:

  • Analyze AUTOSAR Runnables Only
  • Check AUTOSAR code generation settings
  • And much more!

Checks in MXAM generally consider AUTOSAR use case, data types and model parts generated from ARXML.

Watch the video, and improve your model quality and simplify your AUTOSAR -compliant journey with MXAM!

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This image shows Elena Bley.
Elena Bley
Senior Manager Marketing & Webinars

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