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MES & Jenkins: Automation Made Easy!

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Quality assurance is the backbone of good software development, but how do you keep track of the vast amounts of data that are generated every day? Continuing on from our automation webinar, this time we will show you just how easy and reliable quality assurance in compliance with ISO 26262 can be for your entire project. We will have a look at integrating Git as an ALM for automated data import, at evaluating data with regard to its quality in compliance with ISO 25010, and at various visualization and reporting possibilities. As a result, questions about the current status of your project, possible problems and their causes, trend development, and progress can be answered quickly and reliably.
The MES Quality Commander® (MQC) not only visualizes essential quality data, but also prepares it for efficient reporting. You can rely on MQC!


The webinar was recorded on June 22 and 23, 2021 in English.

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