Among these:
-Distance n indicates the number of independent faults that simultaneously lead to a violation of safety goals (single-point or residual faults n = 1, dual-point faults n = 2, etc.).
-Faults at distance n are located between the n-ring and n-1-ring.
-Unless explicitly related to technical safety concepts, multi-point faults with a distance strictly greater than 2 are considered safe faults.
Note that in the case of transient faults, the safety mechanism will restore the affected item to a fault-free state, even if the driver is never notified of its presence, such faults are considered as detected multiple point faults. For instance, in the case of protecting memory from transient faults using error-correcting codes, the safety mechanism not only provides the CPU with corrected value, but also repairs the contents of the flipped bits within the memory array (e.g. by writing back the corrected value), thereby returning the affected items to a fault-free state.
2.1.1. Single Point Fault
A fault of a hardware element which is not prevented by any safety mechanism, and can directly lead to a violation of the safety goals. For example, unmonitored resistors with at least one failure mode (e.g. open circuit) may violate the safety goals.
2.1.2. Residual Fault
A fault in a hardware element that has at least one safety mechanism to prevent from violating the safety goals that can directly lead to safety goal violation. For example, checking a random memory (RAM) block using only the safety mechanism of the checkerboard RAM test may fail to detect certain kinds of bridging faults. Violations of the safety goals due to these faults cannot be covered by the safety mechanisms. Such faults are known as residual faults, when the diagnostic coverage of the safety mechanism is less than 100%.
2.1.3. Detected Two-Point Faults
A fault that is detected by the safety mechanism preventing its latent state can only lead to a violation of the safety goals when in conjunction with another independent hardware faults (related to two-point faults). For example, a flash memory fault protected by parity checks can detect a single bit fault according to the technical safety concept and trigger a response, such as shutting down the system and informing the driver through a warning light.
2.1.4. Perceived Two-Point Faults
A fault that can be perceived by the driver, either is detected or undetected by the safety mechanisms within a specific period, but it can only result in a violation of the safety goals in combination with another independent hardware fault (related to two-point faults). For instance, a two-point fault in which the function is clearly and distinctly affected by the consequences of the fault and can be perceived by the driver.
2.1.5. Latent Two-Point Faults
A fault that is neither detected by the safety mechanism nor perceived by the driver, the system remains operational all the time, without notifying the driver, until a second independent hardware fault occurs.
For example, in flash memory protected by EDC: ECC corrects a single bit permanent fault value during reading, but this correction is not made within the flash memory, nor is there any signal indication. In this case. The fault cannot lead to a violation of the safety goals (since the fault bit has been corrected), but it is undetectable (due to the lack of signal indication for the single bit fault) nor imperceptible (since it does not impact the functionality of the application). If an additional fault occurs within the EDC logic, it can lead to the loss of control over the single bit fault, leading to a potential safety goal violation.
2.1.6. Safe Faults
Safety faults include the following two categories:
a)All n-point failures with n > 2, unless the safety concept indicates that they are relevant factors that violate the safety objective; or
b)Faults that do not lead to a violation of the safety objective.
An example is a single bit fault that is corrected by ECC but not signaled in the case of flash memory protected by ECC and cyclic redundancy check (CRC). The ECC prevents the fault from violating the safety objective, but the ECC does not signal it. If the ECC logic fails, the CRC will be able to detect the fault, and the system will shut down. Only when a single bit fault exists in the flash memory, the ECC logics fails, and the CRC checksum and monitoring fails, the safety objective will be violated (n=3).
2.2. Failure Modes and Failure Rates of Hardware Elements
2.2.1. Failure Modes of Hardware Elements
According to the fault classification model, the failure modes of hardware elements are categorized as shown in Figure 10.